Friday, January 18, 2013

Carina van Nierop

On January the 6th, 2013, God took one of His angels, Carina van Nierop, back to Him. Carina had a very rare illness, Medisatinale Fibrosis and Pulmontale Hypertension, due to closure of the arteries, the only cure was to have a heart and double lung transplant. Carina was first on the transplant list, but wasn't able to get a transplant in time.

On Friday the 11th of January, a memorial service was held at her home church, AGS, Still Bay. It was a sad day for everyone who knew her and she was known to a lot of people, the church was packed and they had to get more chairs and some people were even standing at the back.

I didn't know Carina as well as her friends or family, but what I knew of her, is that she was always friendly and kind whenever I saw or spoke to her. When you listen to what all her friends and family had to say about her, she was truly an amazing, beautiful girl, who will be missed by plenty, but will live on in everyone's heart!

Organ Foundation


Gast Family

On January 4, 2013 I photographed the Gast Family, in Stillbay at the beach with their lovely little girl Kia! If you look back in November I photographed her cousin Ineke and the two could be twins!
Kia loved the sea and just wanted to play in it the whole time! She isn’t afraid of nothing and will jump of everything! 

Behrens Family

The Behrens family all came together this season at Jongensfontein, it was Grandpa, Grandma, 4 kids and 12 grandkids, all boys and only one little girl!! And you thought you needed to buy a lot of Christmas gifts!!

It was a lot of fun to photograph this family! Of course the boys just wanted to play in the sea, but after a while we managed to get them all together to take a few shots!